Helping followers of Christ follow Christ

The great commandment is to love God and to love people. The great commission is to make disciples of all nations. Our vision is to follow the Great Commandment and the Great Commission to make the name of Jesus known to the ends of the earth.

  • Prayer Walking

    This is the time set out where we going into our community, pray for people, engage in conversation, and form relationships. This is an intentional time where we get to meet and love on new people with the hopes of sharing the gospel with them.

  • Discipleship Groups

    More often than not, our discipleship groups are formed with people that we meet while prayer walking. The goal of our groups is to train reproducing disciples. We have the hopes and expectations that the people in our groups will use the tools that we teach then and train others in their lives how to use them.

  • Training Trainers

    We are now getting the opportunities to host formal trainings with ministry/church leaders. this is a wonderful opportunity to show people that we’re not called to go to a building called “church” but that we are all called to be the Church. We get to train them in the very same tools that we use in the harvest, so that they can implement the tools in their churches and ministries.

The vision for the harvest starts in Luke 10 when Jesus instructs his disciples to go out and prepare people for Jesus coming to their town.

Our goal is to be disciples that make disciples. We are here to share the gospel and teach others how to share the gospel.

Our vision is that the people in our harvest groups can be self sufficient to the point where if our ministry were to disappear, they could function as if nothing had happened